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jet engine 噴氣發動機,空氣噴氣發動機。

jet generator

In addition , honda has invested in the research and development of a jet engine and fuselage , and has begun test flights of hondajet - a small business jet equipped with honda s hf118 turbofan engine 此外honda還著手進行飛機機身和發動機的研發,搭載了渦輪發動機hf118的小型商用噴氣機“ hondajet “已經開始進行飛行測試,其發動機和機身都是自主開發的。

But the loud - song champions are the blue whales , whose earsplitting melodies can reach 188 decibels underwater ( 162 db in air ) , more than 100 times louder than a roaring jet engine 不過,聲音最大的當屬藍灰色大須鯨了,它的聲音震耳欲聾,在水底可達一百八十八分貝(空氣中為一百六十二分貝) ,比轟轟作響的噴射引擎聲還要大過一百倍!

The dominating scattering of the aircraft is from the engine inlet , so the analysis and reduction of the electromagnetic scattering from the interior of jet engine inlet cavity have been an important research area 進氣道終端為發動機渦輪,結構非常復雜,在波長或更小的量級上有復雜的幾何尺寸變化,一般的高頻技術不再適用。

The planes are powered by two general electric ge90 - 115b engines , which the company said is the world ' s most powerful commercial jet engine , with 115 , 000 pounds of thrust 這款飛機配備了兩套美國通用電器公司生產的ge90 - 115b引擎。通用電氣公司表示,這是迄今世界上最強大的商用噴氣機引擎,具有11 . 5萬磅的推進力。

With a viscosity similar to petro - diesel , it can be used in diesel engines ( cars , trucks , buses , construction equipment ) , jet engines , and heating and electricity generating systems 它的粘滯度與石油柴油類似,可以用于柴油機(汽車、卡車、巴士、施工設備) 、噴氣發動機以及熱電系統。

Starting with the invention of the bicycle , going on to sports cars , cars with jet engines , rocket - powered cars , attempts to break the sound barrier , and rocket - engine airplanes 從自行車的發明開始,接著到跑車,噴氣發動機車,火箭噴射器車,試圖打破聲障,然后是火箭引擎飛機。

In the third quarter of 2003 , we recognized a $ 22 million credit to income tax expense due to a favorable court ruling on the treatment of jet engine maintenance costs 在三季度的早些時候, ups為其tradedirectsm系列服務增加了航空能力,幫助客戶減少了貨物進口后的入庫需求。

Starting with the invention of the bicycle , going on to sports cars , cars with jet engines , rocket - powered cars , attempts to break the sound barrier , and rocket - engine airplanes 從發明自行車開始,一直到賽車,噴氣發動機汽車,火箭動力汽車,嘗試突破聲障和火箭動力飛機。

Formed by jet engines ' hot exhaust , contrails act as thin cloud barriers that not only reflect sunlight but also prevent the earth ' s heat from escaping into space 凝結尾是飛機引擎向后排出的熱氣所造成,如同一層薄云屏障,不僅會反射陽光,也會阻止地球的熱散失到太空中。

This paper bring forward a control scheme which can decide to start the direct lateral force scheme and fire up those jet engines each at what time 本文提出了一種何時啟動直接側向力的控制方案,決定什么時候對姿態噴流發動機進行點火。

A jet engine has thousands of parts assembled into the few components that comprise the compressor , combustion chamber and turbine 一臺噴氣式引擎有數千個零件,由這些零件所分配組裝的幾個部分是由壓縮機、燃燒器和渦輪機所組成。

A jet engine has thousands of parts assembled into the few components that comprise the compressor , combustion chamber and turbine 一個噴氣式引擎是用上千個零件組合成幾個部分的,它們是由壓縮機、燃燒器和渦輪機所組成的。

A jet engine has thousands of parts assembled into the few components that comprise the compressor , combustion chamber and turbine 噴氣式飛機引擎有幾千個零部件,它們被裝配成引擎的各個部分,包括壓縮機,燃燒腔和渦輪機。

The first contract signed was for rolls royce to supply 450 million worth of jet engines to air china 雙方簽署的第一份合同是關于勞斯萊斯股份有限公司為中國國際航空股份有限公司提供的價值45億英鎊的噴氣發動機。

In the case of jet engine not working , direct lateral force / attitude compound control system becomes only aerodynamic control system 當噴流發動機不工作時,直接力氣動力復合控制就變成了單獨的氣動力控制。

The engine works on the same principle as a jet engine . a compressor sucks in air from the outside and compresses the air 該引擎的運作原理與噴射機發動機一樣。一個壓縮機會吸入外面的空氣并且進行壓縮。

Unlike ordinary cars , this one has two jet engines . it was the first land vehicle to go faster than the speed of sound 這種不同于其他的車子,它裝備了2臺噴氣發動機。它是首臺陸地上最快的超音速車子。

Designed sprag overrunning clutch is key component between output of gas jump - start engine and input of jet engine 所設計的斜撐超越離合器作為燃氣起動機輸出與飛機大發起動輸入的關鍵部件。

At the same time the germans were also building a jet engine , but neither country told the other , of course 與此同時,德國人也建造了一個噴氣式飛機發動機,當然兩個國家都沒告訴時方。